Ketel one citroen lemon 1L

Ketel one citroen lemon 1L

Belvedere Vodka 3L

Belvedere Vodka 3L

STOLI Vodka 1.75L

Our meticulously crafted STOLI Vodka is made from natural grain, triple-filtered through quartz sand and a birch activated charcoal, to ensure its outstanding quality and unparalleled smoothness, winning STOLI over 100 awards around the world. STOLI is the vodka for... Read More
Location: Blaine Exit 275 (SR 543)

***Online orders must be placed 2 hours prior to pickup. All online orders must be picked up between 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM.***

Availability: In stock

The Original STOLI Premium vodka recipe was registered in 1938. STOLI is exceptionally crafted. Made from high quality grain spirit sourced only from best-in-class European certified producers, that is blended with specially treated pure artesian well water. Every sip of STOLI is triple-filtered through activated birch charcoal columns and quartz sand, ensuring unmatched balance and smoothness. STOLI holds itself to one of the highest standards of quality, complying with the demanding European Parliament Regulation for ethyl alcohol requirements. With over 80 years of heritage, STOLI provides vodka drinkers and mixologists with the highest quality spirit to craft the best in class cocktails. Tasting Notes: STOLI Vodka is classically styled and exceptionally smooth. APPEARANCE: Crystal-clear in color. AROMA: Marshmallow, mineral and mild fruit peel. PALATE: A soft, supple entry leads to a smooth, medium-bodied palate with pastry frosting, talc and citrus rind flavors. Finishes with a clean, lightly sweet, sugar dust, wet straw and balanced pepper fade. A truly iconic brand with more than 100 accolades from the most prestigious international competitions. As one of America’s first imported premium vodkas, STOLIhas changed the American spirit landscape forever. STOLI products are sold in more than 100 countries worldwide. The brand has been a proudly vocal ally for the LGBTQ+ for over 30 years.